Prevent Data Leakage !

Knowledge / 27 October 2022

Data leaks are still common in today's era. How did it happen? if your account is in an irresponsible person, it is certain that your data can be misused. Therefore, passwords are mandatory for us to protect. Data leaks are not only caused by stealer malware. However, it can also be caused by the manager's carelessness to protect the site itself.

How do leaks occur and how to anticipate and prevent them?

Technically there are 3 methods commonly used by cybercriminals :

1. Trojan/keylogger is malware that will record all keyboard taps from the infected device and send it to the trojan maker.

2. Phishing, where the victim will be directed to a fake site to enter his/her credentials to be stolen.

These phishing victims are generally not aware when entering phishing sites due to ignorance and also the expertise of phishing message creators which usually contain threats that if they do not change their credentials, their digital services, whether email, bank accounts or accounts will be turned off/blocked.

3. Using unsecured connections such as free unencrypted wifi so that the transmitted data can be intercepted and read by third parties/wifi service providers.

Then, how to protect data from credential theft?

1. Make sure the antivirus you use has Identity Shield protection where when you visit a site where you enter credentials, the credential information will be encrypted so that even if it is successfully stolen it cannot be read because it is encrypted.

2. Avoid using Wifi whose security is unknown, if forced to use Wifi, make it a habit to activate VPN so that all communication from computer devices using Wifi will be encrypted.

3. Avoid using pirated software because it is vulnerable to being infiltrated by malware/trojans.

4. To avoid phishing sites, make sure your browser already has the Webroot Web Threat Shield feature which will detect and prevent you from becoming a victim of phishing and scams.

Reference from

Prevent Data Leakage - CNNIndonesia