Tips Not To Be Fooled When Buying CCTV Online

Knowledge / 18 April 2023

Nowadays there are many ways for humans to use tools to cheat by misusing an application, for example by using online selling applications such as Tokopedia and Shopee. As a consumer, of course, it is sometimes difficult for you to distinguish which products are genuine and which are fake. Especially for online stores, it's clear that you can only see products through pictures. Therefore, here are some tips for you when buying CCTV online :

Tips Not To Be Fooled When Buying CCTV Online

1. Pay attention to the Online Store Domain

Remember to avoid buying CCTV products on free domains such as or . Because you should know that the price for a website domain is only Rp. 120,000 per year. Please think if the domain rental is only around Rp. 10,000 per month they don't want to, so can they guarantee the quality of the products they sell? Be a smart buyer, it's only natural that all businesses need capital and profits and losses always greet the future.


2. Make sure the online store includes full address and home phone

When visiting an online store site, always make sure to look at the Contact Us or About Us sections. Make sure there is a clear and complete address there, if possible also make sure the shop is real. For home phone numbers, why is this important? Because for a home phone, the application requires a KSK and KTP. Of course the possibility is small if the person has bad intentions. For GSM and CDMA cellphone numbers, the seller can easily change the number they have. So just choose the safe way by only buying at an online shop that has a clear address and has a home phone number that can be contacted. It's better to give expensive things but according to their quality, don't just be tempted by cheapness without knowing the quality.

3. Check Website Credibility

On the internet you can easily find tools to check the credibility of a website, namely Whois Domain. These tools are available for free on the internet, and with these tools you can check the age of the website, the name of the website owner, the IP address and other information. But of all the information that appears, the most important is the age of the website and its ownership.

4. Avoid looking for CCTV products with the keyword "cheap cctv"

What you have to remember is that there are no quality products that are unbelievably cheap. A reasonable price difference between one store and another is only around 5-10%. If the difference is up to 30% more, you should be suspicious. So as a first step, never googling with the keyword "cheap", because the results are clearly cheap goods. if you want to buy original and quality CCTV, it is better to use the CCTV / DVR series you are looking for as keywords.